Sun & Shadow Position Specialists




What is a shadow diagram?


Shadow diagram is a planning submission requirement that provides a visual model of how the proposed development will cast its shadow. Further the shadow analysis will demonstrate any potential impacts on shadow sensitive areas, such as public spaces, communal amenity areas, traditional and arterial main streets and residential private outdoor amenity areas and how these impacts can be mitigated.

Within urban environments, the structures constituting the city’s built fabric constantly cast shadows in their immediate vicinity. As the city develops and redevelops, the extent and duration of the shadows cast are altered. As this process continues, direct sunlight exposure becomes an increasingly scarce resource for people and nature.

A shadow diagram, also known as a solar or sun path diagram, is a graphical representation that shows how sunlight or shadows will interact with objects or structures at a specific location over time, typically throughout a day or year. These diagrams are commonly used in architecture, urban planning, and landscaping to assess the impact of sunlight on buildings, open spaces, and outdoor areas.

Here are some critical components of a shadow diagram:

1. Location and Orientation: The diagram is specific to a particular location on Earth, and it considers the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) and the orientation (azimuth) of the site or structure.

2. Time Scale: Shadow diagrams can be created for different time scales, such as daily or annually. Daily diagrams show the movement of shadows throughout a single day, while annual diagrams show the variation in shadows throughout the year.

3. Solar Position: The diagram depicts the sun's path throughout the chosen time frame. This includes the sun's angle above the horizon (solar altitude) and its position along the horizon (azimuth) at different times of the day or year.

4. Objects and Shadows: The diagram typically includes representations of objects or buildings on the site. These objects cast shadows, shown on the diagram, to illustrate how the shadows change in length and direction as the sun moves.

5. Key Times: Important times, such as sunrise, solar noon, and sunset, may be marked on the diagram to highlight critical moments when shadows are longest or shortest.

6. Annotations: Labels and notations are often added to the diagram to provide information about specific shadow lengths, angles, or times.

Architects and urban planners use shadow diagrams to assess various aspects, including:

• Daylighting: Understanding how natural light will enter a building throughout the day to optimize interior lighting and reduce energy consumption.

• Solar Gain and Passive Heating: Evaluating how sunlight will affect the heating and cooling requirements of a building.

• Outdoor Space Design: Designing outdoor areas that provide shade during hot periods and sunlight during colder months.

• Urban Planning: Determining the impact of new buildings on existing structures and public spaces in terms of shadow casting.

• Solar Panel Placement: Finding the best locations for solar panel installation to maximize energy generation.

Shadow diagrams are valuable tools for making informed decisions in design and planning, ensuring that structures and spaces are functional and energy-efficient while considering the surrounding environment and neighbouring properties.


Why is sunlight important?


Sunlight and shadows affect people and their use of open space all day long and throughout the year, although the effects vary by season. Sunlight can entice outdoor activities, support vegetation, and enhance architectural features, such as stained glass windows and carved detail on historic structures. Conversely, shadows can affect the growth cycle and sustainability of natural features and the architectural significance of built features.

The potential impacts of shadow, along with the associated loss of sunlight attributed to development proposals and new zoning provisions is becoming an increasingly critical planning and design concern for councils as they strive to accommodate growth in a more compact urban environment. Shadow Diagrams is able to assess the sun-shadow impact of proposed built-form scenarios or development proposals on their surrounding neighbours with the assistance of computer technology, allowing us to generate realistic shadow casting at critical times of the day and dates during the year. Whether they are used to assess the impacts of minor additions to single-family dwellings or significant high-rise buildings, our sun-shadow simulations have proven to be an effective communication and evaluation tool in the planning and design process.


When is a shadow diagram necessary?


In general, all Development Applications for new construction or addition to existing buildings must be reviewed to determine whether such shading might occur.

A shadow study can play a vital role in securing your planning application. It allows local planners to make informed decisions on applications by identifying the impact that a proposed development will have on its surrounding environment in terms of the shadows cast.

Shadow studies can illustrate the shadows cast by a proposed development at any time of the year. However industry standard times are December 21st, March 21st and June 21st at 9am, 12 noon and 3pm. These times are the Winter and Summer solstice and the spring Equinox. They cover the full spectrum of shadows that will be cast (longest to shortest). A shadow study should not be confused with a daylight analysis. A daylight analysis is the calculation of lost light in an existing building due to a proposed development.


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Why are shadow diagrams used by architects?

A shadow diagram is typically required in various situations, primarily in the fields of architecture, urban planning, and environmental impact assessment. The main purpose of a shadow diagram is to illustrate how sunlight or shadows will affect a particular area, building, or site. Here are some common scenarios where shadow diagrams may be required:

  1. Urban Planning and Zoning: Local governments and planning authorities often require shadow diagrams as part of the development approval process. These diagrams help assess the impact of new buildings on neighbouring properties, public spaces, and the overall urban environment.

  2. Architectural Design: Architects and designers use shadow diagrams during the design phase to understand how shadows will interact with their buildings throughout the day and across seasons. This information can inform decisions about building orientation, window placement, and shading devices.

  3. Heritage Assessments: When proposing changes to a heritage-listed building or a historic area, shadow diagrams may be necessary to demonstrate that the changes will not negatively impact the cultural or historical significance of the site.

  4. Solar Access Studies: Shadow diagrams are used to assess how proposed developments might affect the amount of sunlight received by adjacent buildings, public spaces, and private gardens. Ensuring adequate solar access is essential for maintaining the quality of life in urban areas.

  5. Environmental Impact Assessments: Large-scale infrastructure projects, such as highways or bridges, may require shadow diagrams to assess potential impacts on the natural environment, including how shadows may affect vegetation, water bodies, or wildlife habitats.

  6. Residential Property Sales: In some cases, property sellers may provide shadow diagrams to potential buyers to showcase the property's exposure to sunlight at different times of the day and year.

  7. Solar Panel Installations: For residential or commercial properties considering solar panel installations, shadow diagrams help determine the best location for solar panels by analysing potential shading from nearby objects.

  8. Energy Efficiency and Green Building Certification: Shadow diagrams may be necessary for obtaining certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or other green building standards to demonstrate that a building's design maximises energy efficiency and minimises reliance on artificial lighting.

  9. Tree Management: In urban forestry, shadow diagrams can be used to assess how the growth of trees or vegetation may be affected by existing or proposed buildings, helping in tree preservation efforts.

The specific requirements for shadow diagrams can vary depending on local regulations, project scale, and the intended use of the information. Architects, urban planners, and developers typically work with professionals who specialise in creating shadow diagrams to ensure compliance with local requirements and to make informed design decisions.

What is Daylight Analysis?

Daylight analysis refers to the process of studying and evaluating natural daylight within a building or an outdoor environment. It is commonly used in architecture, interior design, urban planning, and sustainable building design to assess how natural light interacts with a space, and it can have significant implications for energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and overall building performance. Daylight analysis typically involves several key aspects:

  1. Daylight Modeling: This involves using computer software or physical models to simulate how natural light enters and interacts with a building or space throughout the day and year. These models take into account factors such as building orientation, window placement, and the surrounding environment.

  2. Daylight Metrics: Various metrics and measurements are used to quantify daylight performance, including illuminance (measured in lux or foot-candles), daylight factor, and daylight autonomy. These metrics help assess factors like the amount of light available, uniformity of light distribution, and the percentage of time a space receives sufficient daylight without the need for artificial lighting.

  3. Glare Analysis: Glare occurs when excessive brightness or contrast in a visual field causes discomfort or impairs visibility. Daylight analysis can identify potential glare issues in a space, helping designers mitigate them through the use of shading devices, diffusers, or other design strategies.

  4. Energy Efficiency: Understanding how natural light can be maximised in a building can lead to energy savings by reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day. This is important for sustainable building design and can contribute to lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact.

  5. Occupant Comfort and Wellbeing: Adequate natural daylight is associated with improved occupant comfort and wellbeing. It can enhance productivity, mood, and overall satisfaction for building occupants.

  6. Regulatory Compliance: Many building codes and green building certifications (e.g., LEED) have daylighting requirements or incentives. Daylight analysis helps ensure compliance with these standards.

  7. Design Optimisation: Architects and designers use daylight analysis to optimise building layouts, window sizes, and configurations to achieve the desired lighting conditions while minimising energy consumption.

  8. Visualisations: Daylight analysis often includes visual representations, such as renderings or daylighting simulations, to help stakeholders and designers understand how natural light will affect a space.

In summary, daylight analysis is a critical aspect of building design and urban planning, aiming to harness natural light to create more sustainable, comfortable, and functional spaces while considering factors like energy efficiency, glare control, and regulatory compliance.


Client Testimonials

“I’d like to say a huge thank-you for your promptness, care and quality of work you have provided to me over the past week. I was working to a very tight deadline and you and Shadow Diagrams were able to accommodate immediately. I highly recommend your company and service and would recommend other costumers employ you” - Lauchlan Waterfield


"We engaged Shadow Diagrams to provide us a report in regard to overshadowing from our neighbour's proposed development application. We find that they are very professional, efficient and the fees are very competitive. They responded our enquiries promptly. We are very happy with their services and would not hesitate to recommend them to any one” -  Mary J.

“Thanks for the shadow diagrams. It was exactly what I needed to submit a DA. Awesome services! “ - Mark Pigram

“It has been such a pleasure working with the team at Shadow Diagrams. They knew exactly what the council requirements were. They’re skilled, reliable, professional, responsive, and receptive to feedback and a pleasure to work with.” - Sondra Musa

“Your drawings were clear, informative and convincing. Last week, I was informed that the council rejected my neighbour’s DA application for a floor addition. Thank you!” - Amber Postma

“Excellent Customer Service and great turnaround time” - DeMont DeSign


Sun & Shadow Position Specialists


The following are just some of the types of clients who have sought our services

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Architects, builders, developers and urban planners striving to

  • Minimise shadow impact of a project on adjacent property

  • Maximise solar access (or daylighting) to certain areas of a site or building

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Homeowners, body corporates and councils officials concerned about about the shadow impact of a proposed development on a neighbourwood


Solar energy professionals


Collision re-constructionists, lawyers and police officers looking for sun position data related information related to a collision or crime scene


Photographers and film industry professional looking for sun rise/sun set times (or sun position info) for future dates


Industry Affiliations
